Recommended Articles, Books & Research
Purposeful Planning Institute Podcast-
Family Rituals and Practices that Set the Stage for Discussions of Enoughness, Generosity and Purpose at a Young Age.
Wealth of Wisdom Podcast - the Top 50 Questions Wealthy Families Ask
Inside Social Innovation Podcast, by Stanford Social Innovation Review
Millennial Money Podcast, with Shannah Compton Game
Enterprising Family Podcast, with Tsitsi Mutendi
Beyond the Balance Sheet by O’Connor Professional Group
Articles & Books:
Wealth In Families, third edition by Charles W. Collier of Harvard University. Wonderful resources for people who understand that wealth is more than money. It explores the deeper meaning and potential of family wealth.
Children of Paradise, by Dr. Lee Hauser. This book is a must read for anyone concerned about the potential adverse outcomes that excess can bring.
Borrowed From Your Grandchildren: The Evolution of 100-Year Family Enterprises, Dennis T. Jaffe
Wealth of Wisdom: The Top 50 Questions Wealthy Families Ask (Willey Finance), by Tom McCullough
Generation Impact: How Next Gen Donors Are Revolutionizing Giving, by Sharna Goldseker
Inspired Philanthropy: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Giving Plan and Leaving a Legacy, by tracy Gary
Youth Philanthropy: How to Teach Your Kids to be Charitable Donors, Investors Business Daily- October 30,2017
In Silicon Valley, too little giving goes to the local poor, SanFrancisco Chronicle- March 27, 2017
Youth Philanthropy and Service Programs: - A program of the Jewish Community Federation for high school students to learn to run their own non -profit foundation and to be strategic grantmakers and fundraisers. A new resource for youth service. The Bay Area platform will launch in late March or early April A new international hub to inspire, connect, and inform youth grantmaking
YouthPhilanthropyconnect- Freida C Fox Foundation-Youth Philanthropy Connect (YPC) connects youth grantmakers (ages 8-21) and the adults who support them to each other, to resources, and learning.
Repair the World - Repair the World is a long-time supporter of high-quality Alternative Break programs for young adults.
Gideon Hausner- Avodah L’olam and Service Curriculum- Hausner Jewish Day School deeply connects both learning and living Jewish values in its curriculum and daily practice.
Los Altos Community Education Foundation Program E3 –Educates and engages local youth to effect positive change in their local and global communities through service learning, leadership training, and grantmaking activities.
Sv2 teens – Teen Philanthropy program for the kids of Sv2 investors
Activities for families with kids:
A Night of Giving- Generosity needs to be taught and then practiced. Here is a simple holiday practice that encourages young people to be generous, to explore purpose and to talk about their interests.
For Young Adults:
21/ Serves next gen donors with both weekend programs- The Next Gen Donor Retreat, and also ongoing connection and training through their Grand Street program.
Resource Generation- Organizes young people of wealth around power, identity and social equity
Recommended Books for Kids”
PJ Library – Lists of books for young children on tzedakah, visiting the sick, feeding the homeless, etc. Books are identified by value and age appropriateness
See my Kid’s Movie & Book Discussion Guides here: → Raising Kids With Wealth
Recommended Research and Websites:
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